Pee PAD Holder
Pee PAD Holder (Pack of 2) – Works with Any Type of Wee Wee Pads for Easy cleanup of Marking and Leg Lifting Dogs

Is your dog lifting his leg to pee? Is your dog marking the wall instead of pee pads? Getting tired of urine splashing on the wall and trickling down to the floor? Tired of being on your hands and knees cleaning up urine? This pad holders has the perfection solution for that.
Easy one time setup - Simply measure how far apart your wee wee pads will be. Remove 3M stickers from magnet and stick to wall. Put handle with the pad over the base and you're done! Works on different types of surfaces - drywall, glass, doors, basically any flat surface!
Saves time and money - Like most dog owners we were sick of taping pee pads to the wall. Our dogs would kick the pads off since the tape wasn't strong enough. Eventually this ruined the paint from the wall. Not to mention the ugliness of having tape marks on your wall. With our industrial strength magnets, This pad holders will hold your pads in place. This pad holders are designed to protect walls and your floors while blending in with the pads.
No maintance required - Changing pads has never been so simple. Remove the old pee pads from the holder and replace with a new pad and you're done! Change pads in under 10 seconds.

- Next Product:Folding Pet 2-in-1 Ramp & Stairs